Life of the Beloved

I read Life of the Beloved by Henri Nouwen on May 4, 2024

This was at least my second time reading this book (though somehow my first time logging) and I love it. Last spring, when I read Life of the Beloved for the first time, I remember this deep sense of wanting — wanting something I didn’t yet have:

“When our deepest truth is that we are the Beloved and when our greatest joy and peace come from fully claiming that truth, it follows that this has to become visible and tangible in the ways we eat and drink, talk and love, play and work. When the deepest currents of our life no longer have any influence on the waves at the surface, then our vitality will eventually ebb, and we will end up listless and bored even when we are busy.”

Hearts don’t change easily, but they do change. Since last spring, my heart has moved in the direction I so longed for it to move, and for that I am grateful.